
下午11:00:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

 DAY 1~孟買乘坐Jet Airway於1905, 由香港出發到孟買(Mumbai)
 Jet Airway是一間印度航空公司,  
原來架機好正的, 放下心頭大石呢!!  
還有這班機是330客機, 坐位好闊呢!!  前排business class是可以平睡的.
 每個坐位有自己的monitor,  仲可以sent inflight message去指定的坐位給朋友呢.  

坐了不久, 已經有飲品供應!! service一流.  開餐了~~好期待呢!! 味道好好, 全個set吃下
 坐了6個鐘飛機便到了第一站~~孟買,  當地時間已經是晚上11:30了(比香港時間慢2個半鐘).  原來印度機場晚上特別繁忙, 很多國際航班也要晚上什至半夜先到的!

對換了當地的貨幣盧比(Rupees), US$1=RUP 45  
去洗手間時發行連tissue paper也是curry顏色的!! 果然係印度.....haha
 晚上到了Best Western The Emerald 酒店check in & 休息!
 酒店樓下有一個牌, 還寫有一個格言呢!!  
"Peope understimate their capacity for change.   
There is never a right time to do a difficult thing.  
 A leader's job is to help people have vision of their potential."
睡了一晚後, 早上走出酒店門外拍的

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下午5:17:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

繼續做Gown Research
仲有就到大日子啦, 總結下自己的Progress

註冊地點                  紅棉道婚姻登記處/律師證婚 (未定), bf唔想行church
成長過程DVD           未定 (2個月前揀相製作), 諗緊main theme
                         影好, 修相階段                                 免費香港外影~未影(11月4日)
                                未決定影唔影France Bridal (酒店coupon)
新娘婚紗晚裝            (未揀衫)
新郎禮服                  未做
婚紗禮服鞋               未買
化妝師                      Joyce Ma (暫定, 仲未約trial. 佢忙緊拍戲)
新娘首飾                  未買
婚宴司儀                  未決定
花球襟花                  未決定
囍帖                         未印
美心250張 中式唐餅               
回禮小禮物               心目中諗好,唔駛咁早book
進場及婚宴音樂         未定
主花車                      諗緊用自己架大口車好, 還是用家人車/花車 (酒店送4hrs)
旅遊巴                      未定book唔book, 可能屋企人車搞掂哂
媽咪及奶奶衫            未定
伴娘                         心目中有人選
姊妹團                      太多人選, 未firm
伴郎                         未定
兄弟團                      firm,但已有小小人選
伴娘姊妹裙               未定
伴郎兄弟衫               未定
招待人員                  未定
嫁妝                         未買
茶具                         未買
紅酒                         唔駛咁早訂
Rundown                 未做
Honeymoon            未定

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下午5:23:00 Ishiha 0 Comments



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下午1:28:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

一位freelance photographer想找些couples免費影相作為develop 她的profolio, 我send 了一張生活照給她.   最近收到她的好消息, 我們2人入選了, 她會為我們影一輯生活照+pre wedding照片.
我們決定11月又去玩過順便影0下相.  未去影之前, 我也要做一次準備, 她也有叫我想想要拍的地點.  之前我只做了台灣既research, 從未找過任何資料關於香港外拍的景點.
馬灣: 可以拍攝的景點較多,有舊村,碼頭,水上高架屋,好靚o既籬芭等,成個地方好有味道(仲有咸魚同曬緊o既海鹽味), 加上o係馬灣拍照時陽光係最好o既,相信d相應該會好靚!!!!

HKU: 不用我多講, 好多人會揀呢度影相.  多年前的電影玻璃之城, 都係度拍攝. 如果要入u hall影, 就要找hall maid簽名入去啦.

中環:  立法局, 必到 (日影同夜影都好靚!) , 電車 (起電車站等電車黎果陣影) ,  大會堂停車場最頂果層夜晚冇車架,可以上去影,影到ifc,hsbc,中銀;  天星碼頭行人隧道,  周圍d馬路(等有車行過果時影) , 仲有煤氣街同石板街. 唔使多講,呢度係最能表現香港國際大都會感覺o既地方,而且平時要影夜景真係無番咁上o下器材同技術都好難影得靚.
南生圍&白泥: 有樹, 有水, 有木橋, 有屋, 有湖, 好大自然feel. 影淡水海式海景相可以到白泥.

城門水塘: 有大草原...又有水塘倒影可以拍. 比較特別,的有水浸白千層影(視乎季節) . 不過要申請permit.
廸欣湖: 粉藍加白色o既小屋同湖境,個感覺真係好似去o左童話世界咁,呢度絕對係五個景點中最有純潔感o既地方.
大埔海濱公園: 可以影富田農場式花海, 都幾出名. 花海在西式花園附近,去完花海可以去附近的玫瑰園影。
火車博物館: 可以影d類似鐵達時式懷舊相.
黃金海岸: 有遊艇影.
赤柱/石澳+ 美利樓 + 軍人墳場: 沙灘景, 石景, 石澳有彩色屋影.
烏溪沙: 有西沙樹屋同木橋影相...係西沙茶座對面條村行入去就OK呢!! 不過好似要收費影木. http://www.fotop.net/nichestudio/mania
西九龍長廊: 如果怕去中環影相, 可以去呢度影相, 好靚呢. 黃昏去仲影到日落同埋對面海既高樓大廈.

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Making a Veil

下午1:45:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

As I am preparing for my pre wedding shooting in Nov again.  I am searching for pretty long veil now.  Just find some good information about making a veil & wanna share to all.  If I really can't find it, i will try to make one myself.

Making a Veil
Frankly, if you are not confident about your abilities and don't have much time to devote to measuring (or possible mistakes), a commercial pattern is very easy to use. Vogue, Burda, Butterick, McCalls, and Simplicity all produce good basic bridal veil patterns, many of which also include directions for some sort of headpiece. They generally cost $8-$15 (Wal-Mart and most large fabric chains sell patterns at half price), contain all the instructions, list exactly what's needed and how much of it, and the tissue provides a foolproof cutting guide.
However, if you feel adventurous, or have some sewing experience and just need a few specific pointers, here are some basic instructions for making two types of veils. Recommended tools and supplies are:
  • scissors (sharp dressmaking shears are best) or a rotary cutter and cutting mat
  • small weights for laying out the tulle (canned goods or smooth stones work)
  • a tape measure and/or yardstick
  • pins and needle
  • thread to match the tulle
An iron is useful but not necessary. Depending on the style of veil you want, you may also need:
  • comb, Velcro, or bridal loops (sold by the yard at fabric stores)
  • satin rattail cord, soutache, pearl cotton, or other edging
  • small pearls, sequins, crystals, or other decoration
  • fabric glue, tweezers, and toothpicks for attaching decoration
The amount of tulle you need will vary according to style and height. The traditional lengths (adjust for your individual height and taste) are:
  • Shoulder or blusher, 18"-24"
  • Waist, 30"
  • Fingertip, 40"
  • Chapel or floor, 60"-72"
  • Cathedral, 108" or longer
I recommend buying 108" width tulle for fingertip and longer veils. Most fabric and craft stores carry it. 72" width works well for the shorter lengths unless you want a very full look.
Tulle, or bridal illusion, is sold in white, diamond white, and ivory shades. Dye lots vary, so be sure to buy all you need at one time, from the same bolt. If one store doesn't have the right color, another shop may have a bolt that matches nicely. White is best for synthetic gowns. Diamond white looks best with silk or off-white gowns. An ivory gown may look good with either diamond white or ivory tulle, so buy a foot or so to try out. You may also be able to find candlelight tulle, which has a warmer, pinker cast. A range of colors is available at most fabric stores but the wider widths may be limited to a few basic shades.
Organza and chiffon make pretty veils as well. However, unlike tulle, the raw edges of these fabrics must be finished or they will ravel and fray. A narrow rolled edge works well, and an edge bound with a wide bias strip of satin or self fabric is streamlined and elegant. Organza and chiffon are commonly sold in 45" and 60" widths. 72" width is sometimes available in a limited range of colors.
Reference: http://www.wegotgame.net/jen/veils.html

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下午1:39:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

How do I find the right veil for me?
The style of your dress and the formality of the ceremony should determine the length of the veil. A full gown with a long train worn for a church wedding might call for a cathedral veil, while a tea-length dress at a simple outdoor ceremony pairs better with a flyaway veil. Check these out for more ideas!

This veil just covers the face, the length ranges from anywhere between eight inches to 18 inches. This is a vintage style—absolutely fabulous! This wonderful veil is from Leah C. Couture Millinery, which features many bridal accessories including beautifully bold and yet elegant headpieces, flowers, feathers, and hats that transcend mere popular fads. You can't go wrong with Leah!

Many veils would hide the extensive back of a gown in endless tulle, but a flyaway veil offsets it instead--I love how understated this veil adds the smallest of detail to a beautiful gown with an fabulous open back. This veil is also from Leah C. Couture Millinery.

The bouffant veil, which rises above the bride's head in a cloud of tulle, was popular in the 1950s. It was usually paired with a prominent headpiece, such as a tiara or a high satin headband. Today's bouffants are more understated and worn without a headpiece for a cleaner, more modern look. This tea-length gown from Melissa Sweet is a perfect match to the veil!
Found on Brides.com.

The bride traditionally covers her face with the blusher, a short veil that extends below the chin but usually drops no farther than the waist. Typically the bride’s father would raise the blusher layer as she is handed off to her husband-to-be. Most brides wear it for a dramatic entrance, but some churches require it so I would check with your officiant.
Gown and veil from Christos Bridal.

The lace mantilla is considered to be one of the most romantic veil styles. This veil can be any length, shoulder to cathedral and is usually custom designed. I found a great designer
Kristen Elizabeth that offers many beautiful custom Mantilla veils.

The cathedral veil is the choice of royals, as well as any bride who dreams of looking like a fairy-tale princess. Extending at least 9 feet, though 25 isn't unheard of, it is usually a cascade of simple tulle and can also have three tiers to it--including the blusher, shoulder veil, and final train. Because of its volume, this veil needs the wide aisles of a cathedral (hence the name) and clever choreography on the part of the bride (as you see this runway bride carrying hers), and of course the assistance of at least one of her attendants is key. This beautiful gown and veil is from
Christos Bridal.

Reference: http://weddingsbydani.blogspot.com/2008/03/veils.html

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Find wedding ideas and inspiration at no cost

下午6:22:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

There are plenty of ways a bride can find ideas and inspirations for her wedding. And I will not allow myself to spend a cent to do this. The magazines below are just some that I’ve gotten for free. Others I already gave to a friend.
Below are some ways to get ideas for your wedding at no cost:
  • Go online! The world wide web is populated with tons of wedding websites where you can get plenty of ideas and inspirations for your wedding. Visit wedding sites, blogs, forums and photo sites. A few of my favorites are Brides.com, Snippet and Ink, Southern Weddings Mag, The Bride’s Cafe, Flickr. Click here for a complete list.
  • Attend bridal shows or expos. Besides getting ideas from the event itself, you can also get free wedding magazines. I don’t go to events that I have to pay for. There are a lot of events that are free. If the event is not free, search online for coupons or ticket giveaways. Weddingwire.com has an extensive list of events and promotions. Wedding blogs often host contests and giveaways.
  • Ask previous brides for ideas and if they want to get rid of their wedding magazines. Don’t just ask the people you know, join forums too. TheKnot forums has local boards which makes it easy to find brides in your area.
  • Sign up at your local online wedding guide if any. I signed up at www.yournewportwedding.com and I received a lot of helpful info including the Newport Wedding Magazine.
  • Ask vendors when you meet with them. Vendors sometimes receive complimentary copies of magazines that they can give their current and future clients.
  • Browse through magazine racks. All you need is to see an idea or inspiration. You don’t need to take it home and stare at it, do you? If you think you won’t remember, jot it down or take a picture.
Tip: Take a note of where you get your inspirations from. I find myself going back to my sources for more info on those ideas I liked. For example, Brides.com usually has a note for each photo that includes where the materials were obtained and MarthaStewartWeddings.com has instructions on some of their ideas.
If you got the idea online, instead of just saving the photo, favorite the site or use tools like Polyvore.com. Plumeria Bud has a list of online tools you can use here. If you found the idea in an event or publication, take a photo. In addition, if you post the ideas online, you’ll be able to credit your sources.
Where do you get your ideas and inspirations from?

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下午1:30:00 Ishiha 0 Comments








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下午1:27:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

esd searchd關於姊妹裙既INFO:-好似幾有用! 係度同大家share~~
時常見到一些有關買姊妹裙既煩惱,睇下我的意見對你地有冇幫助: 〔價錢〕
姊妹裙其實訂價真是海鮮價, 但千萬勿跟新娘套餐,因為唔實際。
尖東百利三層樓都有好多,但質數參差,尤其地下既東方x人及一心x意, 標價$198,又加改衣費等什費,加埋成$4xx

姊妹裙一般用〈色丁〉〈雪紡〉〈麻丁〉〈鍛〉等幾種主要布料。 (色丁)約 HK$6-9 一碼 一種光身既布料,極反光,主要用係婚紗底裙或枱布,現時金都及以 上提及兩間店鋪均主力採用。但極鈎線及變舊。一般年輕既女孩較易 受騙。 亦因布質輕,所以要配束身衣。相信零售價約$200 雪紡)約HK$1230一碼 有輕盈及飄逸既感覺,分別有60D90D120D150D幾種,數 字越大密度越高。主要用係面裙,是否要配束身內衣,則要视乎底裙既布料。相信零售價約$300-400 (麻丁)又稱珠紋鍛,約 HK$1218一碼 一種比較光身既布料,但比色丁高貴。 亦因布質輕,所以要配束身 衣。相信零售價約$300-400 鍛〉分厚鍛和軟鍛,約 HK$4080一碼 厚鍛常用於婚紗的材料,惜欠光澤,需有釘珠才有效果。 軟鍛亦常用於婚紗的材料,但有光澤,用於裙極具貴氣。 但因價錢高,相信零售價往往近千。但布料夠挺,可慳番束身內衣。 望能幫到大家!

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