Green & White Wedding Bouquets
好啦!! 去完旅行, 要concentrate自己wedding既細節先!!
之前找了vendor訂花, 不過我仲未諗到圖樣 for reference呢!!
- match返我個wedding color: white & green
- 唔想類似 agxxx b既款式
- 同埋花既combination比較特別!! {不過呢項比較困難, 因為好視乎花材}
呢個花球又係特別之選, SIZE細細, 幾cute. 不過要找同樣既花材就比較難. 但係做頖似咁既款式應該都唔錯. A Bride with a small green bouquet, it is cute. But i know this bouquet isn't too popular and easy to find such a combination of flowers.
呢個花球係一位blogger big day時見過, 影相出來好特別, 好靚!! 又係細細個花球之選, 適合細細粒既新娘子. Source: WITH THIS RING
我也有考慮用呢種Calla lily做花球, 出來效果都好靚. Pic from
呢個都好靚!! 如果紫色花仔轉回綠色花仔, 應該效果好fresh!! From Martha Stewart Wedding Magazine.
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