Santorini Accomodations In List

下午6:50:00 Ishiha 0 Comments

揀mykonos既酒店好快就揀到啦!! 不過揀santorini呢,就攪到我煩左成3個星期。
一直都打算santorini住好一點,最主要係1st stop及停留4日3夜,mykonos & athens 一般住宿只要乾淨就可以,沒有太多要求。 我不停到 ; 睇review,睇得多自然令到自己更加困擾。 特別係not in peak season,間間酒店有唔同promotion offer,係 search完價錢,再直接問酒店原來又係令一個更吸引既價錢。特別係好多去過greece玩既人講,係online揀酒店住宿既時候,睇既相好靚,去到又係另一回事。而我又唔想間間酒店模式差不多,所以係santorini住宿都有小小要求。
Must have items when choosing santorini accomodation:
  • Caldera View
  • Situated in Imerovigli (可以睇哂FIRA & OIA)
  • Indoor/ Outdoor Jacuzzi
  • Cave house
  • 唔好太
睇完自己既要求,都有少少嚇親人,係一大串hotel/vacation rental list入面shortlist左以下幾間,不過我都仲未捨得去reserve,咪衰在我既心大心細。
呢間酒店係今年6月先開始營業,什麼也新。而且有我想住既cave house style with private terrance.   因為新開,所以唔多review,不過全部都比10分滿分.
TripAdvisor Popularity Index #20 of 42 hotels in Imerovigli

The Vanilla rooms span in 1/2 levels and combine, in an ideal fashion, elements of the distinctive cycladic architecture with minimalism. They all feature a small private kitchen and a carefully designed bathroom with with a private indoor Jacuzzi.
Premium rooms in private residence:  如果有幾家人一起去,揀呢個就最好,因為有3-4間獨立premium rooms,share同一個大露台及outdoor jacuzzi.

 It allocated on highest levels, occupies a beautiful Cycladic courtyard offering total privacy and extraordinary views of the caldera sea. Also includes a fully functional traditional stone kitchen, an authentic traditional stone oven and private indoor and outdoor Jacuzzis.
而呢間酒店仲有個infinity pool
2. Aqua Suites TripAdvisor Popularity Index #3 of 14 B&Bs / Inns in Imerovigli
入選原因係個景好過Kapari,位置係the rim of Caldera。因地理限制並沒有infinity pool,成間aqua suites只有4間房提供,其中有3間都有成90m²。


3. Ilios and Selene
最開頭好想book呢間vacation rental villa,因為一睇個view已經好吸引,而且有120 m² (兩房兩廳),屋主仲會提供埋rental car during your stay in this villa,睇埋個off peak價錢真係好吸引,即刻email問過要等到19/10先有位.  雖然屋主都有介紹其他幾間villa比我,仲sent埋成個photo album比我睇真d, 但最後都係地點問題冇book到。

4. Aenaon Villas  TripAdvisor Popularity Index #1 of 14 B&Bs / Inns in Imerovigli
只有7間Suites,仲要係tripadvisor內排第一,一早已經full 哂!! 我最鍾意呢間villas係以white house做主題,好有希臘白色小屋呢個concept,而且佢仲係traditional cave house呢!!一睇價錢都好吸引(180-500 euro)

5. Above Blue Suites  TripAdvisor Popularity Index #5 of 14 B&Bs / Inns in Imerovigli
一開始都係被那裡既星星泳池所吸引,而且有好多唔同主題既suites有埋個outdoor jacuzzi比你揀,住過既都+ve review,口碑好!! 不過我check過日子,剩返harmony suite(最低層)一間可以比我連續住3晚,endup都係冇book到呢間.
6. Aliko Luxury Suites  TripAdvisor Popularity Index #8 of 14 B&Bs / Inns in Imerovigli
呢間suites只有兩間房,沒有pool.   每一間房都好大,最細那間都有38m² + 20m² (terrance),而每間房都有outdoor jacuzzi。兩間suites都係以白色為本,好有home feeling。 雖然show出來既相及review唔多(開左唔係好耐),但全部都比excellent comments.  我問過aliko,兩間suites都有房,佢地仲比個discount我呢!! 而且email其間都好快答覆email,我要求aliko sent相比我睇真d,佢地一d都唔會托你手肘.

睇左咁多間,合心水既有# 1, 2 & 6.  最心宜都係第一間&第二間,希望快d有決定啦!! 因為小吉子不停追我要reserve酒店,佢最怕去到間間爆哂要訓街呢

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